Sewing classes
As we shift our focus to other projects and priorities in Afghanistan, we are mindful of the deepening economic and humanitarian crisis that has engulfed the country. So we would like to assist locally in ways that both address need and ultimately promote self-reliance and self-sufficiency. To this end, we began a new initiative - a small sewing class in Badakhshan province for rural women - in May 2021 that aims to provide people with income-generating skills that can be used to start a micro enterprise. The first ten graduates completed the program and were each awarded a brand new sewing machine. The next crop of students will graduate in mid-2022.
Building on the success of the Badakhshan class, we've established two more similar classes, one in Kalakan (Kabul province), and the other in Parwan province.
We are excited about this project and are exploring the possibility of supporting other culturally appropriate vocational skills training that will help alleviate poverty, such as poultry farming, fruit and vegetable processing, beekeeping and honey processing, etc. We would like to focus on women, since they are the most disadvantaged in society and are often deprived of educational opportunities and have limited access to land, credit and other vital resources. We hope that the female participants (and males, for other initiatives we might undertake) in our small projects build marketable skills and develop a sense of agency and confidence, motivating others. We think that such projects will be sustainable, efficient and scalable, as graduates of our vocational program can help revitalize their communities and possibly neighboring ones.
1. Payment via Account Transfer:
Account Name: Raqim Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 852758692
Bank Address:
3104 Crow Canyon Place, Suite A
San ramon, CA 94583
Telephone: (925) 866 1900
2. Payment via Check:
You can also make a Check Payable to:
Raqim Foundation
1028 Lakeridge Place
San Ramon, CA 94582
3. Payment via PayPal:
To Give? Or Not to Give? That is the question before each of us.
If making an uplifting, lasting difference in the lives of the poorest of the poor in Afghanistan and Pakistan speaks to you, here are giving options we hope you will consider.
Click for:
- Information on the Raqim Foundation
- The Need and How It Is Being Met
- Current and Past Project Results
- Raqim Foundation Tax Exempt Status Information from GuideStar
To Make a Donation to Raqim Foundation:
Please make a check payable to: Raqim Foundation
1028 Lakeridge Place. San Ramon, CA 94582
Raqim Foundation is a 501{c}{3} organization [Tax Id# 55-0885953]
To donate stock, real estate, art, jewelry, real estate or closely held business interests, contact: Faruq Achikzad, Chairman, The Raqim Foundation,, 1021 Lakeridge Place, San Ramon, CA 94583
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Wish List
We would also be delighted to receive:
* Airline miles
* Late model laptops for schools
* Volunteer help with:
- Graphic Design
- Health clinic short term staffing and training in Afghanistan
- Organizing an event in your area where we could present an orientation and briefing session
- Outreach to the media
- Introductions to potential project partners

“It is through giving that we discover who we are . . . and what matters to us.”
- PhilanthropyNow interviewee, 1999